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Answer This Quiz Correctly -- Win Valuable Political Junkie Points

Mark, in the comments, pulls up the recent gem from John Zogby:

And [Hillary] has the misfortune of running her history-making campaign against both Jack Kennedy (Obama) and Bobby Kennedy (Edwards).
I loved that! Zogby nailed it.

Here's the quiz:
Who was the last candidate to run against both Jack AND Bobby?

Ten bazillion political junkie points for the first one who knows the answer.


Hubert Humphrey

Most excellent!

Your points are in the mail.

Woohoo! You have no idea how hard it was to resist the Google impulse to check my answer. I started mentally talking myself out of Humphrey after I left the comment.

Wikipedia doesn't have much at all about the 1960 Dem primaries (such as they were then); most people don't recall Humphrey's run.

And in 1968, Humphrey was a kind of shadow candidate right after Johnson declined to seek another term -- and before Bobby's assassination. Again, in those days, primaries didn't have quite the "force of law" that they do now.

Nice job!

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