Gonzalez: Hit By A Cruise Missile And Still Standing?
So let me get this straight. On Monday, McNulty resigns from San Antonio. At first, Gonzales issues a really sweet statement celebrating McNulty. But by the following morning at the National Press Club, Gonzales blames McNulty for everything. Only to have his actions in the "hospital meeting" finally exposed by Comey, that same morning. The day after Comey's testimony, Gonzales gets an earful from the USAs he has put through this mess. On Thursday, the WaPo reports that 26 USAs were targeted for firing and then McClatchy says the number was really 30. And on Friday, Gonzales' closest ally on the Democratic side calls for his resignation (possibly after meeting him face to face).A legend is born.You get the feeling a few people want Gonzales gone? And yet, Gonzales is still the Attorney General.
Dick Cheney actually shot Alberto Gonzales in the chest, but the pellets riccocheted off his chest hair, injuring a lawyer. Gonzo said that if the sun hadn't been in his eyes, he'd have killed him.
Posted by: Mark Adams
May 20, 2007 10:21 AM
LeBron James could not have done better.
Posted by: Ara Rubyan
May 20, 2007 06:50 PM