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Do the Democrats Have A Ground Game Like THIS One?

(Cross posted at Daily Kos)

This snippet comes buried in a longer, more negative article about RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman.

Are the Democrats organized like this? If not, why not?

...[T]he Macomb County [Mich.] "victory center" [was] a jumble of tables and folding chairs and boxes of cold pizza where dozens of volunteers clutched Republican Party-issued cellphones against their ears -- the days of banks of telephones plugged into a wall are over -- and read from scripts. At the end of each interview, they blackened a circle on a bubble sheet (think No. 2 pencils and the SAT test), signifying whether this was a voter the party would circle back to -- once, twice or more -- to make certain he or she would be at the polls on Nov. 7.

It was still nearly five months before Election Day, but the 72-hour plan, the Republicans' voter-turnout program that ambushed the Democrats in 2002 and 2004, was already humming along.

Mehlman was delighted as he watched what he said was his party's latest technological adaptation. The bubble sheets could be scanned by a computer, he said proudly, saving time and money as the results are incorporated into the Republicans' formidable database. "It is a relatively nice day at the end of June, and in the building we just left, they just made 10,000 ID calls," Mehlman said. "That is really good for the party."

Got that? The Republicans are making thousands of cold-calls. They are talking to voters. They are listening to what they say. They are measuring and quantifying their responses. They are identifying and counting the ones that might be inclined to vote for their party. Then they are doing whatever is necessary to seal the deal.

This is hard work. But, clearly, it pays off for the Republicans every election cycle.

Are the Democrats doing this?


Great article here, highlighting what Democrats are doing to define, microtarget and harvest new voters for the party.

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