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Digby nails it


[The traditional media] never worried much about the threat to democracy caused by the Bush dynasty when Junior ran after his (failed) father had been either vice president or president for 12 years and are only noticing the dire consequences of such things since a Democratic dynasty threatens, these establishment pundits only seem to find partisanship distasteful when it's being waged by liberals.

When conservatives do it, it's called "hardball politics" and they all admire them for sticking to their principles and representing their constituents. In fact, when they do it it's assumed they represent the entire country even though they clearly don't.

...and again, Digby:

Capitol Hill hasn't become the laughing stock of the nation because of its partisanship. It's become the laughing stock of the nation because the Republicans have spent the last seven years diagnosing brain injuries from the floor of the senate, molesting high school boys, stealing the country blind and starting wars for no good reason (all of which the Republicans seemed to "get done" very handily.) In the eight years before that they spent the entire time obsessing about phony scandals and semen stains. If we don't laugh we'll never stop crying about what they've done to our country.


She usually does. This was my comment:

You know what this is also. This is “Class Warfare.” You know, when elites conspire to beat the financial shit out of the working classes and it’s not but when working class people (or their representatives) want to talk about it that’s “Class Warfare.”

Cracks in the media’s outrageous partisan hypocrisy and double standards are starting to appear. I wonder how long they’ll be able to keep that dam from bursting by stuffing their inanity into them.

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