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Republicans: Pulling Crap Out Of A Hat calls BS on Republican talking points at last Sunday's debate:

  • Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney falsely claimed U.S. job growth had been nearly 17 times faster than Europe's. Actually, European Union employment grew faster than that of the U.S. last year. Romney's source for the information told that he himself would no longer use the figures.
  • Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani accused Democratic candidates of "appeasement" toward Islamic terrorists. In fact, leading Democratic candidates have spoken out strongly against terrorism.
  • Sen. John McCain claimed American families spend $140 billion of their income preparing federal income tax returns. We find no support for that figure, which the Internal Revenue Service puts at $19 billion.
  • Rep. Tom Tancredo claimed illegal immigrants "are taking a large part of our health care dollars." But the independent Rand Corp. estimates that undocumented immigrants account for 1.5 percent of health care spending or less.
This kind of stuff should come as no surprise: it is well-known that viewers of Republican-friendly Fox News rank nearly dead-last for knowledge of national and international affairs of any newscast on broadcast or cable TV. Best informed are the viewers of the fake-news Daily Show and Colbert Report.

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