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No Confidence In Gonzalez: Does It Matter?

Feinstein, Schumer and now Specter are calling for a vote of no-confidence in Alberto Gonzalez. Is this meaningful, or is this, like the White House says, "nothing more than a meaningless political act?"

Well that depends on how many votes go against him. Right now there are supposedly 6 Republicans calling for his resignation. If all of them vote against Gonzalez and all 50 Democrats (minus the recuperating Tim Johnson) do the same, you are still short of the two-thirds majority you'd need to convict the guy -- assuming the House were to vote to impeach him.

Is this what this no-confidence vote is all about -- sending a message about the eventual outcome of the DoJ scandals? If so, anything shy of 67 votes is not going to cause this White House -- translation: Bush and Gonzalez -- to give it a second thought.

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