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Record of Iraq War Lies to Air April 25 on PBS

Bill Moyers is ready to let 'er rip:

Bill Moyers has put together an amazing 90-minute video documenting the lies that the Bush administration told to sell the Iraq War to the American public, with a special focus on how the media led the charge. I've watched an advance copy and read a transcript, and the most important thing I can say about it is: Watch PBS from 9 to 10:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 25. Spending that 90 minutes on this will actually save you time, because you'll never watch television news again – not even on PBS, which comes in for its share of criticism.
Bill Moyers is a national treasure. He, alone among anyone in the news business, has always said that the job of an independent press is to keep an eye on government. You'd think that there would be general agreement from everyone on all ends of the political spectrum, but sadly -- no. This is mainly because there are fewer and fewer sources of independent thought and reportage as bigger and bigger corporations buy up news outlets left and right. What's left is an uncomfortable partnership between government and business with business holding the upper hand. Mussolini called this fascism and he liked it. I call it bullshit and I thank god for the Internet.

Don't miss Moyers' presentation. Pass this along to everyone you know.


Jesus, I've been deconstructing the lies fronting the neoconservative conspiracy for four years now but, yes, I'll be glued to the set.

Does he include one of the most telling, bald-faced, treasonous whoppers of them all: "We have no plans to invade Iraq"?

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