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Powell: “The active Army is about broken.”

Lots of trial balloons floating out there saying that Bush will lead the way forward in Iraq by sending more troops. Not sure what they'll do there -- secure Baghdad? That doesn't make sense because we don't have enough troops to do that. Secure part of Baghdad? Which part? And what does that mean anyway?

It's all moot because Gen. Powell has stepped into the breach to say that we have no troops to send.

BOB SCHIEFFER: Let me just ask you about that because… do we have the troops? You seem to be suggesting that we don’t.

COLIN POWELL: I’m suggesting that what General Shoemaker said the other day before a committee looking at the Reserve and National Guard, that the active army is about broken. General Shoemaker is absolutely right. All of my contacts within the army suggest that the army has a serious problem in the active force...

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