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Ending the neoconservative nightmare -- for Israel

I've said right from the start that Israel's war should not be confused with America's war. Unfortunately that boat has left the dock.

But that doesn't mean that we can't explore the relationship between Israel and America -- and how America's war may be damaging Israel.

Daniel Levy:

Disentangling Israeli interests from the rubble of neocon "creative destruction" in the Middle East has become an urgent challenge for Israeli policy-makers. An America that seeks to reshape the region through an unsophisticated mixture of bombs and ballots, devoid of local contextual understanding, alliance-building or redressing of grievances, ultimately undermines both itself and Israel. The sight this week of Secretary of State Rice homeward bound, unable to touch down in any Arab capital, should have a sobering effect in Washington and Jerusalem.
The calculus is simple: with friends like the neocons, Israel doesn't need any enemies.
Israel and its friends in the United States should seriously reconsider their alliances not only with the neocons, but also with the Christian Right. The largest "pro-Israel" lobby day during this crisis was mobilized by Pastor John Hagee and his Christians United For Israel, a believer in Armageddon with all its implications for a rather particular end to the Jewish story. This is just asking to become the mother of all dumb, self-defeating and morally abhorrent alliances.


So how Mark gets a byline and you don't?


"Disentangling Israeli interests from the rubble of neocon "creative destruction" in the Middle East has become an urgent challenge for Israeli policy-makers."

Breathtaking. Um, I know they’ve been agitating for World War Whatever from the sidelines but American neoconservatives didn’t flatten Lebanon, oppress Palestinians while denying them a homeland and war with Arab peoples for more than 40 years (we just picked up the tab). In fact, you could say they learned all their stupid neocon tricks from Zionists (to be safe, I’ll leave out the metaphor about laying down with dogs).

Karma can be a real bitch.


So how Mark gets a byline and you don't?

Good question. The simple answer is that the blog is called "Ara Rubyan's E Pluribus Unum."

The more intriguing answer is to revoke Mark's byline and claim everything he writes as my own.




Plausible deniability is the key -- for the byline, not the neocons.

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