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Bush's bounce-back in the polls

Look for Bush to bounce back up in the polls right about now.

  • The immigration thing will cut in his favor -- the most motivated voters are the ones who want stuff like that fence.

  • Remembering that it's 70% how you look, 20% how you sound and 10% what you say, he'll look good flying down to Arizona wearing jeans and a work shirt.

  • Signing a tax cut (any tax cut) is always good news for Republicans.

  • Iraq has disappeared from the news, having been replaced by the Duke rape scandal and the latest results from American Idol.

  • Gen. Hayden will be approved as DCI and the NSA scandal (already receding) will quiet down a result.

  • Lastly, you didn't really believe Bush's numbers could go any lower now, did you? UPDATE: Well, maybe they could...


Ya think he could actually [gasp] break back into the upper 30's?

He's on a roll.

"He's on a roll."

Oh, crap. Did I miss la Terreur? I'll go get a basket.

I loved this breathless post (I forget where I saw it):

"36% -- He's popular again!!"

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