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Tony Snow: Extremist

by Mark Adams

A comment on my earlier post about new White House Foxpert Tony Snow challenged my description of the new Chief Dissembler as an "extremists."

It didn't take all that much time to find at least one serious example of Snow's propensity for hanging WAY out on a limb. He is, after all, a die hard Bush apologist.  Hell, he was a Cheney defender before Deadeye Dick regained his security clearance.  Just six months ago, he still hadn't made up his mind how history would judge the Shrub's first term, let alone the entire presidency.

He is a nice guy, no argument.  And he does chastise the administration and the GOP on fiscal responsibility often.  He even predicted that the immigration debate would be huge -- actually, he said "overrated."  For his trouble, some even more wingy folks at called him a "Lawbreaking, Liberal, White Supremisist, Racist Pig!"  Nice company you keep there dude.

Mind you, he could only give Clinton grudging credit for his pet issue -- the economy, arguing that without Gringrich, Clinton was nothing but lost potential and a Nixonian thug. Yeah. ... Whatever Tony.  If my disgust of Bush's incompetent criminality and duplicitous war mongering is the result of a mental disorder, why on earth were you still so obsessed with Clinton that you were bashing him a month after he left Washington?

However, when it comes to conservative social policy, he's not just another cheerleader for the cause like he is for the War on Terra; he's as to the wall extreme as it gets, especially in the abortion debate. :: South Dakota starts up the debate by Tony Snow Mar 10, 2006

If South Dakota has led the way toward a democratic eruption, it also has shaken up the political marketplace by rejecting the popular rape-and-incest exception.

The loophole doesn't make moral sense.  If life begins at conception, children conceived through rape and incest are human beings.  They are innocent of crimes, even if they are the byproduct of horrendous violence against women.  So on what basis should we permit their destruction?

If one argues that a woman would suffer trauma by bringing such babies to term, what would prevent other women from citing trauma as an equally cogent reason for their abortions?  Trauma introduces an obligation to pay special heed to the victims of rape or incest.

Offer counseling.  Provide lavish pre- and post-natal care. Take time to grant them as much support as the state can provide.  And prosecute ruthlessly the creeps who violated them.  That alone could do as much as anything else to help such mothers get a decent night's sleep.  It also would remove a popular bit of cover for sexual predators, who try to "undo" their crimes by urging their victims to abort.

Now I really don't care all that much for the down and dirty abortion mudfest, but "loophole?"  I'm sorry. Calling the rape and incest exception to all out abortion banning a frickin' "loophole" is no better than the girls at Pandagon calling the South Dakota statute the "Rapist Rights" law.

It's just ridiculous hyperbole.  But then Snow goes on to make the slippery slope argument that if we let a twelve-year-old rape victim who's pregnant by her father get an abortion, somehow, some way, this may give us a license to off her aged, demented granny too.

Yikes! How absurd.  But boy can this guy frame an issue and co-opt the language with the best of them.


And even more...
UPDATE: From the Google cache of the purged comments at Free Republic, we find some unpolished diamonds:

To: SkyPilot

"Of all the people to talk about why we should not be worried, it should not be you."


Your complaint would make sense if I had been responsible for the Souter pick. For the record, I was an open skeptic of Souter, and an extremely aggressive advocate for Clarence Thomas. Like you, I want no more Souters -- and, like you (or so I gather), I don't think Harriet Miers is the best possible nominee.

39 posted on 10/07/2005 4:31:14 AM PDT by Tony Snow
In my opinion, only an extremist would so unabashedly support the single most extreme ideologue on the Court. He really is something else. How about this gem from last January

Those eager to exploit differences between blacks and whites in America ignore the fact that the differences have all but vanished. One might as well complain about the gas mileage of a 1959 Edsel.

Nagin's comment was typical of the guy. He says what he thinks -- even when he hasn't thought. In declaring New Orleans the Chocolate City, he followed the grand tradition of mentioning race in order to silence all imaginable opposition.

The riff -- for which Nagin apologized a day later -- was harmless. Nagin is more an entertainment figure than a statesman, just as New Orleans now is more a theme park with a port than a city of consequence -- although both aspire to greater things in years to come.

And don't forget his piece in Jewish World Review where he stakes out his credentials as a Kwanza expert:
"The inventors of Kwanzaa weren't promoting a return to roots; they were shilling for Marxism."
This guy isn't a Kool Aid drinker. He runs the concession stand. It must be good to live in his world.

Jesus, and I thought they struggled with simple math. Apparently, simple statistics are just as hard, even for those with impossibly high IQs:

"ex·trem·ist n. One who advocates or resorts to measures beyond the norm, especially in politics."

FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. Feb. 28-March 1, 2006. N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3 (for all registered voters):

"Recently the South Dakota legislature passed a law that bans abortion in all cases other than to save the life of the mother. Would you support or oppose this law in the state where you live?"


Of course, I understand that Snow didn’t actually take this position:

”If one argues that a woman would suffer trauma by bringing such babies to term, what would prevent other women from citing trauma as an equally cogent reason for their abortions? Trauma introduces an obligation to pay special heed to the victims of rape or incest.

Offer counseling. Provide lavish pre- and post-natal care. Take time to grant them as much support as the state can provide. And prosecute ruthlessly the creeps who violated them. That alone could do as much as anything else to help such mothers get a decent night's sleep. It also would remove a popular bit of cover for sexual predators, who try to "undo" their crimes by urging their victims to abort.”

Just an argument, you see? Like “how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?”

You know, they don’t have to apologize for being wrong about everything or even for helping to bring the country to its nadir. They could at least show the good grace to keep their delusions of mainstream thinking to themselves

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