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What to look for in politics this week

Monday: Will powerful House Republican Bill Thomas retire? [Update: Thomas did announce his retirement.] If so, will there ultimately be so many House Republican retirements that the party has trouble holding the majority?

Tuesday: Will Tom DeLay win the Republican nomination in his district outright, or will he face a run-off?

Wednesday: Bush comes to my part of the country, making another trip to inspect Katrina damage and recovery. Previously, the House Katrina Commission blasted this White House, saying we were still unprepared (four years after 9/11) for another disaster. Will Bush's visit give him a bump in the polls, or will Republicans be viewed as the do-nothing party?

Thursday: Potential Republican presidential candidates gather in Memphis to address the party faithful (and the traditional media). A straw poll will follow. Let the 2008 games begin! Who comes out on top -- McCain or Allen? And who, if anyone, distances himself from the Bush-Cheney record?

(HT to The Note)

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