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Biggest. Geek. Ever!

bones.jpgSigh. How can I explain this without sounding like a total geek?

I can't, so here goes...

Recently Dean Esmay, my good friend, was tickled that one of his readers presented him with a model of a Federation Starship dubbed "USS Esmay NCC-1865."

Biggest. Geek. Ever!

But wait, it gets better...

What does this have to do with me..?

Casey Tompkins (who gave the model to Dean) wrote the following text to accompany the gift:

    The U.S.S. Esmay was first launched on Stardate 200204.06. A member of the
    "Blogger" class, the Esmay was configured for exploration and investigation
    in a manner similar to the parent Constellation class.

    A cursory examination of the Esmay's log reveals many brilliant exploits of
    her crew, which includes:

    a. Captain James T. Dean (one of Starfleet's best captains)
    b. 1st Officer Rosemary
    c. Medical Officer Rubyan...

Heh. Me ==> "Bones".

I'm bemused, having morphed into the antithesis of a Vulcan.

Come to think of it, it's pretty much the way I see myself.

Thanks, Casey!

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