Great White Snark

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by shep

John Rogers sends the privileged, white (and somehow still incredibly pissed-off) Barrack haters to school on their fear and loathing of the angry black man:

Attention, Fellow White People:

…If Senator Obama becomes President, we will still run everything.


Immediately following his Wright Snark, Rogers explains a lot of anger (except for the inexplicable right-wing kind that always somehow misses the mark):

-- Paying $3 trillion dollars for a war started by rich old white people.

-- Sending your kids off to fight in a war being run very poorly by rich old white people.

-- Allowing many of those kids to die thanks to crappy equipment provided by companies owned by rich old white people.

-- Watching media controlled exclusively by a small number of rich old white people.

-- Consuming tainted medicine or bad meat because government regulatory agencies have been gutted by rich old white people.

-- Getting boned on your pension by investment firms run by rich old white people.

-- Watching your house lose value because of financial screw-ups by rich old white people.

-- Losing said house because your kid's cancer treatments aren't covered by insurance companies run by rich old white people.

-- Losing your job because your company's been moved to Belize by rich old white people.

-- Watching government records being blatantly destroyed by rich old white people.

-- Cheering while the Constitution is used to wipe the ass of several rich old white people.

-- etc.

Rest assured, Management has its priorities in place. We will remain vigilant against the words and actions of radical old black preachers in neighborhood churches.

Just the man you want for color commentary as righty, whitey heads explode at the thought of a black man as President.

[Cross-posted at Dispassionate Liberal]

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