Phone calls to Congressional committees now just mouseclicks away

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Committee Caller is an automated web service that will connect you, by phone, to the front office of all Congressmen for the committee of your choice. No more fumbling for the phone numbers; in fact you don't even have to dial any numbers at all; Committee Caller will call you, in sequence, and patch you in to each of the offices.

Here's how it works:

  1. Visit
  2. Select the appropriate committee from the list provided.
  3. Enter your phone number in the form provided.
  4. Click the 'Put me in touch with democracy!' button.
  5. Wait for Committee Caller's automated voice application to call you.
  6. Pick up the phone and stay on the line while Committee Caller starts connecting you to the members on the committee you selected -- in sequence.

Once connected, Committee Caller will tell you which representive you're calling, who their legislative director or chief of staff is, and what district they represent. At any point you can use the asterisk-key on your phone to hang up the call and move on to the next one. After each call you will have the opportunity to rate how your call went.

Visit Committee Caller and give it a test drive: they've set up a list of fake committees for you to demo the app.

Better yet: contact the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence -- and urge them to vote against retroactive amnesty for telecommunications companies in S. 2248, the FISA Amendments Act. Urge them to support Senator Dodd and others by allowing them to have a full debate on this issue. Urge them to vote "no" for cloture on the motion to proceed to the FISA bill.

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