Blogs I Read (June 2007)

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As I've mentioned before, I've been using Google Reader to keep up with the blogs I read. They have a neat feature called "Trends" that tracks my reading habits. Accordingly, here are the blogs from whom I read the greatest number of posts (during June, 2007):

  1. The Huffington Post - Newswire
  2. Think Progress
  3. Crooks and Liars
  4. Boing Boing
  5. Techmeme
  6. AMERICAblog
  7. Daily Kos
  8. Slate Magazine
  9. Talking Points Memo
  10. Eschaton

Now, some blogs do not post anywhere near the volume that these blogs do. Accordingly, the following blogs are ranked by the percentage of their new posts that I've read:

  1. Kung Fu Monkey
  2. Dispassionate Liberal
  3. Seth's Blog
  5. the Dry Bones Blog
  7. Blogging Tips
  8. James Wolcott
  9. Dependable Renegade
  10. Pollster
Note: In June I usually read Rosemary Esmay's blog directly -- not via Google Reader.

Anyway, there you are: a different kind of blogroll -- one that actually presents some meaningful information...about me.


Rosemary, The Queen of All Evil Author Profile Page said:

Whew! I was getting a bit teary before I caught the note. :-)

Ara Rubyan Author Profile Page said:

Not to worry.

I spend so much time commenting on your blog that I have it bookmarked for that purpose.

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