Which Democrats will vote to censure the President?

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The following Democratic senators have come out for censuring the president:

Daniel Akaka
Max Baucus
Byron Dorgan
Dick Durbin
Dianne Feinstein
Daniel Inouye
Jim Jeffords
Ted Kennedy
John Kerry
Herb Kohl
Mary Landrieu
Carl Levin
Joe Lieberman
Blanche Lincoln
Barbara Mikulski
Patty Murray
Jack Reed
Harry Reid
Jay Rockefeller
Chuck Schumer
Ron Wyden

Unfortunately, the president being censured was Bill Clinton, not George W. Bush. Because, you know, these senators had their priorities straight.

(HT to kos)


Rosemary, The Queen of All Evil Author Profile Page said:

That was funny!

shep Author Profile Page said:

This is funny:

"You know, the Gridiron Club is an aging institution with a long, proud history, known today primarily for providing a forum for jokes.

"To some, that may sound like the Democratic Party.

"You hear this constant refrain from our critics that Democrats don't stand for anything. That's really unfair. We do stand for anything.

"Some folks say the answer for the Democratic Party is to stop being so calculating and start standing up for principle. In fact, Harry Reid's appointed a task force to study this option.

"The Republicans have been poking fun at Democrats for not being united behind a single voice in our party. I think that's unfair, and it smacks a little of sexism. And just because the leading voice in our party is a strong-willed, outspoken liberal woman with a famous husband does not mean the Democrats are adrift…. And I, for one, want to thank Barbra Streisand for her great leadership.

"I'm sick of people attacking Democrats as being out of touch, saying we lose elections because we're all a bunch of snobby intellectuals who can't speak the common man's language.

"I mean, what kind of a supercilious argument is that?

"Take John Edwards. He's leading a new war on poverty – from his Chapel Hill estate. And he's educating us. I had no idea there was so much poverty in New Hampshire.

"Speaking of New Hampshire, a lot of speculation that that 2008 campaign could come down to Sen. McCain and Hillary Clinton. The thing I don't think people realize is how much John and Hillary have in common. They're both very smart. Both very hard-working. And they're both hated by Republicans."

- Sen. Barak Obama
Gridiron Club Roast

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