Recently in Ann Coulter Category
by shep
It’s a draw. Barack Obama, the African American candidate who has overcome his lack of name recognition, young age, establishment connections and pedigree within the Democratic Party to run dead even with Hillary Clinton, the female candidate and Democratic pillar, for the Democratic presidential nomination. Most likely, one of them will make history as the next President of the United States. What a great day and what a nourishing moral victory for America, in contrast to the unqualified wretchedness and shame of the last eight years of Republican rule.
So powerful is the Obama rise that even queens of conservative evil, so to speak, and (at least) theoretical supporters of sister Hillary Clinton feel compelled to offer reasons why the Barack Obama phenomenon may be good for America. I humbly offer two more:
One, as just evidenced above and proved by every primary election so far, Barack Obama has substantial appeal among Independent voters. In our inexplicably close partisan political competition, these inexplicable voters often inexplicably hold the key to electoral success. With them Al Gore and/or John Kerry would have been our most recent presidents, probably avoiding untold government corruption, malfeasance and treason, starting with the Iraq war (if not the otherwise successful 9/11 attack on America). Barack Obama can carry many of these tragically important voters that Hillary Clinton probably never will. And John McCain enjoys strong support with this group even before so-called conservatives betray their “principles” (again) to vote for him.
Second, once all has been decided, a President Obama would be free to govern this nation without particular fealty to interests that have plagued this country for decades, interests in which Hillary Clinton is heavily invested and obliged. From campaign funding to corporatist vs populist policy to crass and dangerous "national security" political alliances, a President Obama would have fewer obligations to the ruling class oligarchy that has inflicted such tremendous damage to our nation and the world. That may frighten the invested, the ignorant, and the prejudiced but it is, without doubt, our only chance to surmount the challenges that confront us.
And, to echo and reinforce the oft remarked ability of Barack Obama “to sweet talk people into saying yes to his ideas,” this will be an essential quality to move the people to pursue their own political and economic self interest rather than follow the conventional corporatist wisdom as framed by both political centrist gasbags and rightwing talk radio nutjobs.
It may turn out to be a wise gamble to roll the dice for Independents and independence and for President Barack Obama.
by Mark Adams
From his lust for Kralizec to his desire to privatize Social Security, Rudy unites left and right, by his stupidity. Seriously, the guy is absofreakinglutely bat-shit crazy.
Obama figures out he's just not that good at the 30 second sound-byte debate format -- cuts and runs from attending any more debates than those already scheduled. I assume that means there will be a hard limit of no more than 47 more until we begin voting -- probably right after Thanksgiving. Hopefully, there will be lots of arugula.
After watching some TPMtv, spotlighting Mitt Romney's profound ignorance of anything east of Boston Harbor, Raising Kaine concludes "Multiple-Choice Mitt" is a "Giant Foreign Policy Goofball." News Hounds gets the hypocrisy of Romney's schpeel, but you really need to watch Josh Marshall put it all together to understand how profoundly delusional Romney is.
Meanwhile, Eleanor Clift has a question for Mitt & Co. that might stop some of the GOP hopefuls in their tracks -- since of course, they'd have to think instead of regurgitating their 30 year-old talking points or trying to remember whether they we talking to an audience that preferred the flip to the flop.
Stop asking Romney and the other Republican front runners about abortion and start asking them where they stand on family planning.Shorter Elly C.: "Please stop talking about this wedge issue that is destined to lose the election for us. Our candidates suck eggs on this."
Fred Thompson, who turns 65 today (thus eligible for all the entitlements he vows to abolish), is the only candidate who needed to have his fat, lazy ass trucked around the Iowa State Fair in a golf cart.
Actually he looked kinda gaunt. He'll need to scarf down a few more elephant ears to be the right's answer to Michael Moore.
She really ought to take it easy on the old guy. How many little blue pills can one man take?
I noted before that Mike Huckabee was kind spoken towards the Clintons, to the point where he would sound almost gushing if he weren't a Republican. Rights Field's David Dayen thinks these remarks point to where Huckabee first got the idea that cars and buses were lame, that his super-coolness would be enshrined forever once his Harley cleared the shark tank.
This kid came from a dysfunctional family — alcoholic abusive father. And yet he didn't just aspire, he was elected president of the United States not once, but twice. That is an affirmation of the system. And it's a wonderful testament to give to every kid in America that no matter where you've come from, you've got an opportunity to do something extraordinary.John Edwards gets ahead of the "gotcha" game and David Sirota approves, he rejects right wing framing of the "war on terra" in the same way that former Joint Chiefs Chairman Richard Meyers approved, connects with ordinary folks and David Brooks approves, talks the talk and walks the walk in a way RFK and MLK would approve, calls Coultergeist a "She-Devil," and I approve. Atrios insults Instalinker and FU by comparing them to Annie Sunshine -- Digby approves.
Wingnuttystan still says, "Gotcha," cuz that's all they got. I mean, what are they gonna do? Buy into McCain trying to be the anti-war candidate? Puh-Leeze.
More Wingnut News...
Vice President Cheney is a dildo, what else to you call a dick substitute? (Do not Click if you are under age ... 40.) Doctor BooMan advises us to use a condom anyway.
Speaking of nuts and other guilty pleasures of the alternate universe ... you know you just gotta click on a link that says Ron Paul teams up with Dennis Kucinich.
by shep
I really didn’t want to see ten more seconds of airtime devoted the Imus kerfuffle (so why would I want to write about it?) but, alas, the mainstream media still couldn’t give a rat’s ass what people like me want them to talk about it.
Oddly, watching the bobbleheads hashing it out endlessly on Sunday morning, I realized two things. One, it can lead to a worthwhile conversation about public discourse (actually Digby helped me understand that) and, two, this is scaring the living crap out of some white male media and political elites.
Although our highly paid “opinion leaders” still don’t get it, they do realize that a new day is dawning; a day that will give them less and less desperately desired control over their empires. Here are some of the things they still don’t get:
Imus wasn’t being racist, he was trying to sound hip. In our culture, blacks own hip; which is why so many young white males consume their entertainment (understandable on its merits when it was blues, jazz and R&B) and seek to emulate them. If calling the Rutger’s girls “nappy-headed hos” was really meant as a racial slur, it was a pathetic attempt at slurring (I’ve known fifth graders who could do better). Was Imus taking a cheap shot at their kinky hair? Was he really suggesting they were selling themselves after the game? In fact, wasn’t he really trying to say that they were some bad-ass basketball players – paying them a compliment?
What Imus didn’t get and the talk show dopes still don’t is that there is a double standard about what whites can say about blacks and how blacks talk about themselves – and that’s OK. As a long-abused minority, they have every right to insist on the terms and conditions of the public discourse about them. And they also have the right to ignore the standards they set for the dominant culture, if they so choose. That said, if self-derogatory rap lyrics disappeared tomorrow, the culture would be instantly better (black women in particular should rage against the disgusting misogyny in black male rap).
The issue isn’t just about racist speech it’s about hate speech (why legitimate parody is not threatened by this new social paradigm). The fact that Imus’s possibly complimentary trash talk was turned into racism shows what really has people pissed. But admitting that would force them to confront the real trashers of political and social culture, the Rush Limbaughs, Ann Coulters, Sean Hannitys, and Bill O’Reillys of the world (after all, racist hate speech in popular media is thankfully rare, hate speech against liberals and Democrats is a multi-billion-dollar American industry). That fact is simply unacceptably condemning of too many of those they consider their colleagues and the entire modern Republican movement (the MSM isn’t even ready to consider that there might be something fishy in the destruction of five years of e-mail communication between the Bush administration and their Republican political operatives).
Whether they know it or not, this is what scares the living sh*t out of people like Tony Blankley. If the Imus episode really is a teaching moment, we stand to learn two important things that Republicans and their establishment press enablers desperately don’t want us to learn; 1) they – not blacks, Muslims, Mexicans or dirty hippies - are the most coarsening and polarizing element of society and 2) we, not they, hold the keys to the media and discourse that both defines and shapes us.
The Coultergeist isn't unreasonably paranoid -- because we ARE coming to get them.
SHOOTING ELEPHANTS IN A BARREL:In her latest report from fantasy land, Mitt Romney's BFF catalogues a laundry list of cases where a Republican crook was hounded by the legal system they scoffed at, while Democrats go scott free.
"Lewis Libby has now been found guilty of perjury and obstruction of justice for lies that had absolutely no legal consequence."[snip]
As a result, Libby is now a convicted felon for having a faulty memory of the person who first told him that Joe Wilson (news, bio, voting record) was a delusional boob who lied about his wife sending him to Niger.
This makes it official: It's illegal to be Republican.
by Mark Adams KOS-Posted
John Edwards is just not your average tone-deaf, pandering politician with the common sense of a goldfish, like the so-called leaders we've become accustomed to. He's truly a liberal. But liberal does not mean you have to be "Godless."
First, the News:
- In yet another first, Edwards decided NOT to participate in the
skeet shootdebate being hosted by FOX News in Nevada. - Edwards directly links Jesus to the central themes of his campaign, saying Christ "would be appalled" that we "resort to war when it's not necessary," and ignore "the plight of those around us who are suffering."
by Mark Adams, KOS-Posted
Contrary to the high road taken by John and Elizabeth Edwards, who display such dignity and class in their response to Ann Coulter's notorious remarks at CPAC, it has been proposed that until further notice the editorial standards of Liberal Blogtopia should maintain a conscious effort to hang the Harpy formally known as The Coultergeist around the neck of GOP presidential contender Mitt Romney, to wit:
I propose that it should henceforth be a matter of editorial policy that the names "Mitt Romney" and "Ann Coulter" always appear in the same sentence regardless of which one we're talking about it. -- Ara RubyanIn keeping with this new standard, neologisms shall also be acceptable when it is clear from context, or use of gender specific pronouns, to which (or both when appropriate) of the intended conservative manifestations of their bankrupt ideology the author refers.
Therefore, saying, "Mit'Coultergeist hit a new low today," without further contextual clues, is considered vague and sounds far too German (unless of course the intention was that they did indeed appear "mit" each other -- then it's just plain clever). However, "Ann (Romney) Coulter is a shrew because..." is more clear as long as the She-Devil is the object of scorn.
"Mit'Coulter" and "The CoulteRomneyoid" need more references within the sentence or paragraph to enhance proper understanding, such as: "Mit'Coulter's base rejected his flip-flopping pandering today," or "After she learned of the cancellation of her syndicated column, The CoulteRomneyoid flew into a spittle-laced rage and kicked her publicist," are perfectly clear from a contextual and grammatical sense.
Parenthetical phrasing such as "Ann (I loves me some Mitt Romney) Coulter," and "Mitt (Ann Coulter is so foxy) Romney," are perfectly acceptable as long as brevity is not an issue. Likewise, hyphenation works as well, as in "Mitt undresses-Coulter-with-his-eyes Romney" or "Ann lick-my-toes-Mitt-baby Coultergeist" can be informative as well as fitting within this new editorial policy.
Unfortunately because of a tasteless and unsubstantiated rumor regarding the questionable physical attributes of Ann (I wonder what Romney looks like naked) Coulter, referring to Romney and/or Coulter as "Ann check-out-that-buldge Romney" is hopelessly ambiguous.
Please direct any questions or suggestions regarding this new policy to the comment section below. Address any private inquiries to
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