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Friday Cat Blogging

The most addictive -- and surprisingly simple -- game in a long time: Chat Noir (Black Cat).

Mark Frauenfelder:

The object of this simple game is to click on the light colored dots to create a barrier that prevents the kitty from getting away. Each time you click on a dot, the kitty gets to move from one dot to another.

Sounds easy -- until you try it. Then you'll be shocked at how much time has elapsed since you sat down to begin playing it...again and again and again and again....


Boing Boing commenter:

The Flash version is OK, but the real-life version (marketed in the U.S. as "Get Your Kitty Into the Carrier to Take Him To The Vet For His Weekly Glucose Reading") is much, much more challenging, and the graphics are better.


2nd try - the video game I mean (a lot like "Go"). As for the other, always reminds me of the famous "giving the pill" joke (some joke if you've ever tried).

"Wrap pill in bacon..."


So true. Some pills the dog will take if you just hold it right.

Every cat is like wrestling a 12-pound alligator with four sets of sharp claws.

That's if you can catch 'em in the first place.

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