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Bush, Mukasey: Torture is Illegal. Period.

BushBullhorn.jpgEvery time this guy opens his mouth, it sounds like fingernails on a blackboard:

President Bush, seeking to salvage the nomination of Michael Mukasey as attorney general, on Thursday defended the former judge’s refusal to say whether he considers waterboarding as illegal torture.

Bush said it was unfair to ask Mukasey about interrogation techniques on which he has not been briefed. “He doesn’t know whether we use that technique or not,” the president told a group of reporters invited into the Oval Office.

With all due respect, that wasn't the question. The question was, "Do you consider waterboarding to be torture?" Note to MSNBC: "Illegal torture" is a redundant term. Torture is illegal. Period.

Further, Bush said, “It doesn’t make any sense to tell the enemy whether we use those techniques or not.”

That also wasn't the question.

Repeat after me: torture is illegal. If waterboarding is torture, then waterboarding is illegal. Which means the President is a war criminal because the CIA has already admitted they've been using it all along. That's why everyone is on pins and needles.

It has nothing to do with what anyone "tells the enemy."

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