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Report: Gonzalez to Resign Today

If this is true, how long will it be before he receives his pardon?

P.S. Is Chertoff on deck?


John Edwards: (live interview on CNN)Doesnt' think Chertoff should be the replacement. "We shouldn't replace the person responsible for Guantanamo with the person responsible for the aftermath of Katrina."

I like it!

Glenn Greenwald hits it out of the park:

This is a real moment of truth for the Democratic Congress. Democrats, who have offered up little other than one failure after the next since taking power in January, can take a big step toward redeeming themselves here. No matter what, they must ensure that Gonzales' replacement is a genuinely trustworthy and independent figure.

That means that Democrats must not confirm anyone, such as Michael Chertoff, who has been ensconced in the Bush circle. Instead, the DOJ and the country desperately need a completely outside figure who will ensure that the prosecutorial machinery operates independently, even if -- especially if -- that means finally investigating the litany of Executive branch abuses and lawbreaking which have gone almost entirely uninvestigated, as well uncovering those which remain concealed.

The standard excuse invoked by Democrats to justify their capitulations -- namely, that they cannot attract a filibuster-proof or veto-proof majority to defy the President -- will be unavailing here. They themselves can filibuster the confirmation of any proposed nominee to replace Gonzales. They do not need Blue Dogs or Bush Dogs or any of the other hideous cowards in their caucus who remain loyal to the most unpopular President in modern American history. The allegedly "Good Democrats" can accomplish this vital step all on their own. They only need 40 Senate votes to achieve it.

P.S. As for why Gonzo left, could it be that he is periously close to being disbarred in Texas?

I'll buy that. To beat the long dead horse, Clinton was disbarred for misleading the court -- even though he did not technically commit perjury.

The ethical standards are higher and the burden of proof lower for dishonest behavior by members of the bar. Funny thing, you don't need to be an Attorney to be US Attorney General. (Shhh, don't tell Shrub.)

Dammit, it just hit me that yet another GOP talking point is slyly being perpetuated here, and by Glenn Greewald no less.

Jesus, complain that it ain't enough, but please give credit where it's due.

This current Congress not only has got more done with only a one vote Senate majority and a hostile president, than not only the last GOP controlled Congress, but the one that brought us Newt's Republican Revolution and the Contract On America.

And here's a link to the list of the accomplishments of this Congress half-way through the year -- ACTUALLY SIGNED INTO LAW.

* First Minimum Wage Increase in a Decade

* Largest Increase for Veterans Affairs Funding in History

* Additional $1.8 Billion for Veterans' Health Care in the Supplemental (above what POTUS requested)

* Passed Ethics and Lobbying Reform Bill

* $17 Billion in Grants and Other Student Aid

* Passed a Fiscally Responsible Budget

* Passed Energy Bill That Increased Fuel-Efficiency Standards for First Time Since 1975.

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