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Timing is Everything

by shep

It’s almost here. For everyone other than the 25% of authoritarian (Bush) followers who are just fine with a Republican criminal enterprise running out of the Oval Office and the beltway elites who can’t stomach looking at the blood on their own hands, the argument is over. There is only one question remaining:

"Where are the real confrontations needed to vindicate the rule of law and restore constitutional order? No reasonable person can dispute that in the absence of genuine compulsion (and perhaps even then), the administration will continue to treat "the law" as something optional, and their power as absolute. Their wrongdoing is extreme, and only equally extreme corrective measures will suffice."
--Glenn Greenwald

Or, really, when will enough true patriots rise up and insist upon it?


Anyone reading this should visit their congressman this week. They're on recess visiting the district. Go to their office when you know they'll be there. Sit down with them and look them in the eye and tell them you support the House Judiciary Committee starting impeachment proceedings.

Call members of the Judiciary Committee and urge them to support impeachment.

Call Pelosi's office and tell her to put it back on the table.

No more statements, no more asking, no more futzing around.


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