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How to respect the troops and reject the escalation

The Democrats in the House plan today to bring to a vote the non-binding resolution in the House that says we respect the troops but reject the escalation. A baby-step but forward movement to be sure.

After that, Rep. Murtha plans to introduce legislation that has considerably more teeth to it. It would allocate funds for the war only under the following conditions:

  1. The Pentagon would have to certify that troops being sent to Iraq are “fully combat ready” with training and equipment;
  2. Troops must have at least one year at home between combat deployments;
  3. Combat assignments could not be extended beyond one year
  4. Prohibition on “stop-loss” program forcing soldiers to extend their enlistment periods
It's a very practical approach that implements respect for the troops along with the power of the purse.

The Republican response?

“While American troops are fighting radical Islamic terrorists thousands of miles away, it is unthinkable that the United States Congress would move to discredit their mission, cut off their reinforcements and deny them the resources they need to succeed and return home safely,” [House Minority Leader John] Boehner said.
Listen to the hot-button words: "radical Islamic terrorists" and "cut off reinforcements" and "deny resources."

Say what?

In Boehner's world, you send the troops into battle to fight the terrorists, no matter what -- naked, barefoot and oiled up with a knife between their teeth, if necessary.

Outnumbered? Outgunned? No problem! We're the US Army! We're the Marines! We're the awesome Black Knight by God!

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