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Campaigning on Iraq: 3 Strategies

OK, let's say you've got three major Democratic candidates running for their party's nomination for president.

  1. The first one says s/he was mislead by Bush about the war and that while voted to give him the authority to use force, s/he didn't necessarily give him permission to invade Iraq.
  2. The second candidate now says s/he flat-out made a mistake in voting to give the president the authority to use force.
  3. The third candidate says that s/he was against the war from the very start and said so to whomever would listen.
Given that the Iraq war will be the most important issue of the campaign, who are you supporting: Candidate #1, #2, or #3? And why?


Hey, What about the 4th Way?

"I thought the war was important, that it was right and I still support it."

Oh that's right. Lieberman isn't a Democrat anymore.

Sadly, no.

For the time being, all of the above.

They are not Republicans.

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