Bush is reinvigorated abroad?
The headline is weird because the piece itself offers scant support. Mostly, the article says the foreign leaders didn't talk to Bush about his recent failures: the "failure of confidence" vote, the sacking of Rumsfeld, the catastrophe the war has become, and so forth. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong of Singapore gave Bush an "attaboy" and John Howard of Austrailia (always a big fan) renewed his support for the war. Other than that -- bupkes.
This shouldn't come as a surprise. Foreign leaders (and their people) often cannot understand the actions of the American people in relation to their leaders. For example, many years ago when I was in Lebanon, the people there could not fathom why Americans were about to impeach Nixon. The Israelis today probably have a similar view of Bush.
Bottom line: Bush is our public servant and answers to us. He is sworn to protect our constitution. If he doesn't do that, well, he has to answer to us. After he retires, he can and wear his ao dai and play the saron all he likes.