Abu Dhabi spanks Bush 41
And, trust me, Abu Dhabi is one of the friendly Arab nations:
"We do honor Americans, and I believe that they are highly respected in our country. However, we do not respect your son, and we do not respect what you are doing all over the world," college student Nevine Al Rumeisi told the former President at a leadership conference in the United Arab Emirates.It gets worse:Her comment was roundly cheered by the business and political leaders gathered in once pro-American Abu Dhabi.
The elder Bush just looked stunned.
"It takes a lot of guts to tell a father what you said about his son when I just told you that the thing that matters to my heart is my family," he said.But wait there's more:"My son is an honest man, he is working hard for peace, and how come everybody wants to go to the United States if the United States is so bad?"
That prompted another audience member, an American ex-pat, to tell Bush, "I think the remarks that you made about why people need to go to America to be very hostile and make the country look even worse."
When another audience member said he thought American wars are designed to open markets for U.S. companies - drawing more cheers and whoops - Bush grew testy.Testy? Testy?? Good thing Barbara Bush wasn't there -- she would have gone ballistic.
"To suggest that everything we do is because we're hungry for money - I think that's crazy. I think you need to go back to school."Translation: screw the polls and screw Cindy Sheehan.His voice quivering, the 82-year-old Bush said, "This son is not going to back away. He's not going to change his view because some poll says this, or some poll says that, or some heartfelt comments from the lady who feels deeply in her heart about something."
Like "Dick" Cheney said: "Full speed ahead."
It's never pretty when empires collapse.
Posted by: shep
November 22, 2006 04:33 PM