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NOT Stay The Course

by Mark Adams

Did you get the memo?  Rummy didn't, and boy is he pissed about it.

Now if you want to play semantic games, like the new and improved -- but exactly the same -- not changing our strategy but only adjusting tactics which is not "stay the course" because we've never been about "stay the course" ... so we're not changing anything when we change the slogan away from "stay the course" ... uh, erm ... be my guest.

Cheeze Whiz. We're fighting barbarians with a fucking scrabble board.

With all due apologies to Buddy Holly....

I wanna tell you how it's gonna be,
Believe what you hear, not what you see.
I'm gonna say it until I'm horse,
You know my plan's not stay the course.

You know my plan's not stay the course.  Not stay the course!

My plan is bigger than new Humvee,
But what it is you'll just wait and see,
You think the plan has got to be real,
Reality is not what I deal.

I'm gonna say it until I'm horse,
You know my plan's not stay the course.

You know my plan's not stay the course.  Not stay the course!
Not stay the course!
Not stay the course!
Not stay the course!
Not stay the course!

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