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by Mark Adams
The modern equivalent of Neville Chamberlain at Munich:

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When you coddle madmen, you end up paying a terrible price.

Field Marshall von Rumsfeld's insulting screed was a call to arms for the Liberal Blogtopians, editorial writers and Keith Olbermann. He likened those who disagreed with him as facilitators of death and destruction -- appeasers in the same manner as those who watched silently as Adolph Hitler built a military machine destined to destroy most of Europe

Despicable doesn't begin to cover it.

The right to dissent is the essence of the very freedoms this administration claims we are hated for possessing. Our beloved Defense Secretary believes that disagreement is not a democratic excersize in free speech, but appeasment of terrorists as bad as bowing down to a dictator.

And for the record, Rummy was appearing with his buddy Saddam Hussein after the US government confirmed he was gassing Kurds daily with chemical weapons he purchased from us -- the crime for which he is now on trial.

This photo, and the video should become as ubiquitous as flowers in spring.


UPDATE 2: READ FRANK RICH at Mother Jones!


Brilliant, Mark.

These people have no shame.

They've given new meaning to the word hypocricy.

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