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What Bush's Foreign Policy Will Be Remembered For

Historians will note that Bush was a uniter and a divider. Simply put, Bush united our enemies and divided our friends.

Josh Marshall:

[Bush has concluded] we're in a war and that the enemy in this war ["Islamofascists"] is Muslims who subscribe to bad ideologies. This has the consequence of taking a set of institutionally and ideologically distinct actors -- Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Fatah, Iraq, Iran, Syria, al-Qaeda, the Mahdi Army, Iraqi insurgents, etc. -- and treating them as a single phenomenon. To do so would be a serious mistake...

[T]hey are different things. And the essence of sound strategy has long been to look at potentially hostile actors and try to divide them...The "Islamofascism" rhetoric is part of a continuing campaign to do the reverse.

P.S. Ever notice how Bush's motto ("I'm a uniter not a divider") was, by definition, self-negating?

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