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Urgent Call To Action On Stem Cell Research Bill

Please take a moment today and contact your Senators about HR 810, the single most important piece of stem cell legislation before Congress.

From StemPAC:

This is the one that would rescind President Bush's draconian restrictions on stem cell research. This is the one that has (miraculously) already passed the House. If it is passed in the Senate, it either will become law -- or force President Bush to issue his first veto.
The Senate is slated to vote on this bill this week -- perhaps even as early as tomorrow. So you must take action on this today.

Here's a StemPAC video about the bill (The transcript of the video is below, as well as links to call your Senator to urge their support...)

Please continue below...

This is hope for millions of Americans who suffer from terrible diseases like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, ALS and cancer.

It's called Stem Cell Research and it may be the most promising medical breakthrough of our lifetimes.

So why is Senator Bill Frist holding up a bipartisan stem cell research bill?

Why is he preventing us from being the world leader in stem cell research?

Every day, we're outsourcing stem cell jobs to nations like China and South Korea. Every day our best and brightest scientists are fleeing overseas to conduct their research. Worst of all, we're slowing the race for cures.

Visit and tell Senator Frist to support HR 810. Tell him we don't support outsourcing American jobs and exporting our leading scientists.

Support stem cell research and the promise it holds for millions of suffering people.

You can make a difference. Call your Senator (hell, call Sen. Frist) and urge them to support HR 810. It's easy:
  1. Visit this page.
  2. Look up your Senator's phone number, fax, and/or email address.
  3. Contact them today, and tell them this: "I strongly urge you to support HR 810 and support the funding of stem cell research." Or see below for a copy of the letter I sent to my Senators.
It's that simple. Please do it NOW, before you get another email, or read another post, or get another cup of coffee.

Please do it NOW, before it's too late and we lose this crucial vote in the Senate.

Please support stem cell research and the promise it holds for millions of suffering people.


Here's a copy of the letter I sent to Sens. Vitter and Landrieu:


Please support HR 810, the Stem Cell Research bill.

Stem Cell Research may be the most promising medical breakthrough of our lifetimes.

But every day, we're outsourcing stem cell jobs to nations like China and South Korea. Every day our brightest scientists are leaving the US and going overseas to conduct their research. Worst of all, we're slowing the race for cures.

Please support Stem Cell Research and the promise it holds for millions of suffering people.


Ara Rubyan
Baton Rouge, LA

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