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Generic “Had Enough?” Video Ready

This is a new, "universal" version of the "Had Enough?" videos I did to promote various Congressional candidates.

This one is new and somewhat different. It's something I came up with after reading Kevin Phillips' excellent book, American Theocracy: The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil, and Borrowed Money in the 21st Century.

I'm sure there are things that you'd change. So would I. But I'm throwing this out now, rather than wait until later when it might be more perfect.

Share it with your friends, etc. Click the "Share" button in YouTube.


On a lighter note, this quite good actually. I wouldn’t change much.

My suggestion: on the final frames;

"Vote for Change"

"End the War"

"Bring Back Good Government"

(1.5 seconds each)

"Vote Democratic"
(3.5 seconds)

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