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Nationalize the election: Pledge to end the war

(cross-posted at DailyKos)

Yesterday, I suggested that there is a simple and clear way for Democrats to make a clear distinction between themselves and the Republicans: The Republicans want endless war, the Democrats want to end the war.

Now, I think it's time that Democrats nationalize the mid-term elections by offering that choice to voters:

  • If voters want endless war, they should vote for the Republicans.

  • If voters want to end the war, they should vote for the Democrats.
This is a clear choice. It's a choice that requires the Democrats to have a backbone. I think voters will understand that.

Of course the powdered and pampered poodle-pundits will want to know: HOW to end the war?

Never mind, of course, that Bush has no plan. "Stay the course" is not a plan -- it's a slogan.

Never mind that it will be January of 2007 before the new majority can take office. By then, Iraq may be in a completely different situation. What works now may not work then. Bush has so consistently screwed up the war plan that no one knows how bad things will be by then.

But reality won't stop the Bush-loyalist-media from asking the question anyway.

So here's the response:

Democrats should pledge to hold hearings as soon as they are in the majority. They should pledge to get all the facts. Then, they should pledge to plan the work necessary to end the war and they should pledge to work that plan to end the war.

Remember: the Republicans want endless war. The Democrats want to end the war.

If you don't do this, all you're going to hear is "cut and run, cut and run."

That's how I'd do it.

Some may say, "Why not introduce a resolution NOW, demanding that Bush end the war?"

Again, I recognize the value of having a backbone. But the fact is, a resolution like that, without a Democratic majority, is a wasted opportunity.

Why not promise to REALLY END IT? In return for the majority in Congress, promise the voters a realistic scenario wherein the war will end intelligently and with an eye on all the facts on the ground?

I think this is the best way for the Democrats to go.

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