Attack: Now is the time for Democrats to go on the offensive
Rove is off the hook, Zarqawi is dead, Busby lost in California, Bush's polls are on the uptick -- these are all part of the instant conventional wisdom that says it's been a bad week or two for the Democrats.
The same people are still in charge who meant to destroy the career of Valerie Plame. The same people are still in charge who lied us into a war that has cost over 20 thousand American casualties and $300 billion. The same people are in charge that built a criminal enterprise that ran out of the House Majority Leader's office. And Bush's polls? His approval rating has been below 40% forever.
Democrats would do well to keep their eye on the big picture:
End the war in Iraq: It's over. Our work there is finished. Fact is, we killed Zarqawi from the the air. We could have done the same thing without any boots on ground. With Zarqawi out of the picture, the Iraqi security forces, the ministry of defense, the entire government is as ready as it's ever going to be to take over. Let them have it.
Ending the war will also allow us to end the President's unconstitutional seizure of "war powers." And if the rubber-stamp Republicans cannot exercise its oversight authority, the Democrats will.
Ending the war will also reduce the need for us to borrow endlessly from foreign governments. Under the Bush administration we have borrowed $1 trillion in foreign debt -- an amount equal to what was borrowed under all previous presidential administrations. Borrow and spend, borrow and spend, borrow and spend. It has got to stop.
Getting our finances straightened around will allow us to plan for the day we can be energy independent -- cutting our need for foreign oil. An Apollo-style program will promote jobs, address the problem of global warming and increase our national security.
These are just some of the things Democrats should be standing up for.
You've also got raising the minimum wage, rescinding tax breaks for oil companies included in the 2005 energy legislation, revising the Medicare prescription drug bill to allow the government to negotiate directly with pharmaceutical companies for lower prices, cutting student loan rates and passing the remaining recommendations for improving national security by the independent commission that investigated the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
If I were a Democrat running for Congress, I'd use a simple formula:
Bush = bad.
Republican candidate = Bush.
Republican candidate = bad.
I'd go on the attack and I'd keep attacking without a let up. I'd attack Bush's dismal record in office; I'd tie Bush around my opponent's neck. Then I'd drop them both into the ocean and watch them sink to the bottom.
Attack, attack, attack. Never ease up. Never, never, never. Never ease up.
Our survival depends on it. The GOP already knows this "attack, attack" mantra.
And by "our" survival, I mean the nation, not just Democrats.
Rove is saying that if we had followed Murths's advice, we never would have gotten Zarqawi.
Posted by: Mark Adams | June 13, 2006 09:14 AM
Rove is saying that?
Murtha is the author of the comment that we got Z by air, i.e., We could have done the same thing from outside Iraq.
Never mind -- Democrats cannot afford to answer Rove's attacks. Democrats have to attack, attack, attack on their own.
The best defense is a good offense.
Posted by: Ara Rubyan | June 13, 2006 09:20 AM
This is really the tragic outcome for the country resulting from Atwater's Republican legacy. Those who come at you with obvious malice, forfeit any expectation of mercy. I know that true liberals are ready to take the last step and go for right-wing throat to try to save what’s left of the country – being forced to further undermine our national sense of unity. The question is, are establishment Democrats?
You are absolutely right, Ara. Attack the Republican Party – remember, it’s the movement that’s responsible for the destruction of our society, Bush is just the useful idiot. If we don’t give the public greater understanding of the movement’s motives and methods, we’ll be right back here again fighting a new raft of miscreants in a few years (see "Atwater" above).
Attack Republican ideology, attack Republican politics, attack the Republican administration, attack the Republican congress. And, most importantly: Never. Back. Down.
Posted by: shep | June 13, 2006 09:54 AM
Here's the thing: people, voters, want Democrats, anyone! to show some backbone. Like my mom says, "If you don't, who will?"
Backbone. Authenticity. These are things that transcend individual political policies, strategies, tactics.
Stand up for yourself. Fight back when you are attacked.
If you don't, who will?
Posted by: Ara Rubyan | June 13, 2006 10:21 AM
I think the thing is really that the Republicans have inculcated a wide swath of the public with the belief that Democrats are craven. That’s a deal-breaker in America. Quite obviously, the public will live with official liars, miscreants, warmongers, felons, imperialists, even traitors. They will not, however, abide a coward.
That is the brilliance of the movement’s propaganda and, inasmuch as Democrats represent the more thoughtful, civilized and responsible segments of society, their behavior plays to stereotype. Even though it runs against the grain, Democrats must be aggressive and even mean-spirited in their response to the Republican’s mendacity. The good news, although establishment Dems don’t get it yet (they’re still following Rove’s playbook for them), the public will reward them for viscous partisanship. And it is the only way to defeat the “pusillanimous” frame Republicans have hung on them.
Posted by: shep | June 13, 2006 10:44 AM
Democrats must be aggressive and even mean-spirited in their response to the Republican’s mendacity.
Whatever it takes.
That's what I like about Howard Dean, Harry Reid, Russ Feingold, Jack Murtha, and even (now) Al Gore. I'm probably missing a few others, too.
They've got backbone, they're authentic and they won't back down.
Posted by: Ara Rubyan | June 13, 2006 11:14 AM
”They've got backbone, they're authentic and they won't back down.”
Exactly. Everyone knows what John Kerry thinks about Republicans (I think they even named a blog after it) but, until he’s willing to say so publicly, on purpose, he doesn’t have the courage of his convictions. A man who has displayed more personal courage under fire – literally – than the collective occupants of the White House, looks craven next to George Bush. Statesmanlike but unbelievably tone deaf to the political warfare being waged against him. You simply don’t bring a knife to a gunfight – unless it’s for cutting your own throat.
Posted by: shep | June 13, 2006 11:56 AM
"They put one of ours in the hospital, we put one of theirs in the morgue."
Posted by: Ara Rubyan | June 13, 2006 12:33 PM