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Air raid kills al-Zarqawi

060403_alzarqawi_vsm.vsmall.jpgGood riddance. And kudos to the US and Iraq militaries.

Gen. George W. Casey Jr.:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Coalition Forces killed al-Qaida terrorist leader Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi and one of his key lieutenants, spiritual advisor Sheik Abd-Al-Rahman, yesterday, June 7, at 6:15 p.m. in an air strike against an identified, isolated safe house."
The insurgents should be surrendering any time now. The war is all but over. We'll wrap this up and bring the troops home. There'll be parades and the people of Iraq will be throwing flowers and candy. Right?


BTW, my favorite sound bite comes from Stephen Colbert, who opened his show last night with this: "Al-Zarqawi all ker-blooey!"

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