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“...when I go off on the liberals my readership numbers explode.”

Our favorite Bush Republican apologist reminds us of something we all knew to be true: that when the facts are against your side and the law is against your side and the polls are against your side, when your side's gang of true believers is dwindling fast, then you have to rile up your side by launching a stale attack on "chicken liberals." You know -- femininazis, wetback-sympathizers, queers, queer-lovers, married queers, married queers adopting children, Jane-Fonda-loving-cheese-eating-white-wine-swilling-NASCAR-hating-liberals-from-Massachusetts -- whatever it takes. My god! The next election is Armageddon and you need all the Christian soldiers you can muster.

And if the irony is too much -- that you're apparently wasting that astronomical IQ that God gave you -- blast 'em all for being jealous of your good looks.

In short, become the sort of Republican caricature that Stephen Colbert loves to mock:

Anybody who knows me knows that I am no fan of dictionaries or reference books. They're elitist for constantly telling us what is or isn't true, what did or didn't happen...

I don't trust books. They're all fact and no heart. And that's exactly what's pulling our country apart today. Because face it, folks, we are a divided nation... We are divided by those who think with their head, and those who know with their heart.

...[For example, take] Iraq... If you think about it, maybe there are a few missing pieces to the rationale for war. But doesn't taking Saddam out feel like the right thing...right here in the gut? Because that's where the truth comes from, ladies and gentlemen...the gut.

Did you know that you have more nerve endings in your stomach than in your head? Look it up. Now, somebody's gonna say `I did look that up and its wrong'. Well, Mister, that's because you looked it up in a book. Next time, try looking it up in your gut. I did. And my gut tells me that's how our nervous system works.


Gee, and here I go offering the red meat (do you suppose that “cocoon of safety” crack was on you or on me?).

As “frightened” as I am of debating public policy with the lions of rightwing argument over at Rose’s, I swear that the reason that I post here is exactly because you clearly love the quality of the conversation over simple partisan pabulum. Besides, as you suggest, partisan pabulum is mostly a rightwing traffic builder, liberals need conversation that stimulates something outside the lizard brain.

The irony of the money quote, “You want to paint him as an abortion extremist and I'm gonna fight you on it. It is my belief that you only do so because he is an admitted conservative and for no other reason,” perfectly illustrates the problem on the right – besides hating everyone on the left. They don’t seem to grasp that when you get beyond false labels and political rhetoric, “conservative” is extremist. On foreign policy, the federal budget, the environment, healthcare, entitlements, energy policy, abortion, religion public schools, etc., etc., Republicans support a public policy agenda that is extreme by the “beyond the norm” standard set down by the the Good Queen. Snow, the evil genius herself, Bush, most elected Republicans, are advancing an agenda that is extreme by the public’s measure.

I’m actually glad to hear that Rosemary understands that it’s all just a marketing ploy for the rabidly partisan. I’d hate to think that anyone that intelligent actually believed the crap she catapults. On the other hand, genius and madness are notoriously friendly.

One more point. Among a population where 45% believe in the Adam and Eve story, literally, and a majority believe they are more intelligent than average, I prefer a lodestar that is somewhat more consistent and substantial than mere conformity. We liberals prefer measures such as logic, rationality and empiricism, perhaps why we don’t change beliefs or political parties to match the prevailing propaganda. Just call us chicken.

But she is cute, for a white chick.

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