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It's close, but Santos beats Vinick

My favorite moments from last night's episode of The West Wing:

  • Donna and Josh, stricken, riding the elevator up to find God-knows-what about Leo's condition and having to listen to the Muzak version of Ma Cherie Amour. Time really does stand still at moments like this.

  • Lou arguing that they cannot release a statement about Leo's collapse because undecided voters on the West Coast will use this as an excuse to vote against Santos. "And another reason you can't release a statement," she says, "is that when Leo comes back, he'll kick your ass!" And you know he would, too.

  • The networks call California for Vinick and Oregon for Santos; it all comes down to Nevada. Santos: "Nevada? I have a vague memory of campaigning there once." Josh: "Yeah...Maybe we should have moved you there a year ago. You know, gotten you a gig a Caesar's Palace."

  • Josh, alone in the war room while Santos makes his victory speech, coloring Nevada blue and bringing the electoral vote total to 272. He turns to a snapshot of Leo on the bulletin board and says, "Thanks, boss."
Those are the ones that come to mind. How 'bout you?

P.S. Where was Toby??


News and notes:

  • Bradley Whitford has signed on to star in "Studio 60," a one-hour drama expected to be on the NBC schedule next fall, about life backstage at a live variety show. It was created by Aaron Sorkin, who created "The West Wing."

  • Guess who else is making an appearance next week? Ainsley Hayes.

  • Weirdest of all: remember the Oscar nominated song from Crash? It was written by Kathleen York, who is best known for playing (wait for it) Andrea Wyatt, Toby's ex-wife. In fact, she was the one who performed the song (!!!) prompting Jon Stewart’s hilarious bit of advice: “When your car is on fire, don’t run away in slow motion.”

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