Anatomy of the “thought” process of Bush defenders
Have you ever noticed how it is that the very people who tell you that God is the grantor or our rights, those very people tell you its OK for Bush to suspend them?
This is typical of the thought processes of Bush apologists.
As much as anything else, Bush defenders are characterized by an increasingly absolutist refusal to recognize any facts which conflict with their political desires, and conversely, by a borderline-religious embrace of any assertions which bolster those desires.Of course, fewer and fewer people even admit to being Bush defenders any more.It's a world-view which conflates desire with reality, disregards all facts and evidence that conflict with the decreed beliefs, and faithfully embraces any assertions and fantasies, no matter how baseless and flagrantly false, provided that they bolster the mythology.
Thus, things are going really great in Iraq - just as we predicted they would. When we invaded, Saddam had WMD's and he was funding Al Qaeda. Oil revenues will pay for the whole thing, we will be welcomed as liberators, the whole war will be won quickly and easily. A large military presence is unnecessary because there is no insurgency. Bush is a popular and beloved President. All but a handful of radical fringe subversives in America support the war and believe terrorism is the overarching problem. Americans want to militarily confront Iran, want illegal warrantless eavesdropping, and are happy with how the country is being governed.
And anyone who doesn't believe that is just suffering from a mental disorder, Bush Derangement Syndrome, brought on by the constant infusion of propaganda from the vast left wing media conspiracy.
Posted by: Mark Adams
April 28, 2006 09:19 AM
I actually started reading blogs a couple of years ago just to try to understand the “thought process” of Republican supporters. Their beliefs and actions from the moment they elected Ronald Reagan were so obviously at odds with observable reality and their own self-interest, I just couldn’t understand it. By the time they came to support George W. Bush, and especially Iraq, I just had to understand better.
What I discovered was not a thought process but a belief system built on the guiding principle that presumes that which is "liberal", "left" or Democrat must be bad. It is a tribalism so strong that it completely incapacitates rational thinking (the same phenomenon behind nearly all destructive mass movements) about politics. It’s actually that simple.
I also discovered that I personally liked a number of these people (quite an education, indeed).
What worries me, on a number of levels, is what will these people do when are forced by reality to confront how badly they were manipulated into harming themselves and their children – along with everyone else in the world. What a nightmare to awaken to. I’m worried for them and for us.
Posted by: shep
April 28, 2006 03:18 PM