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The Top 10 Most Read Posts at E Pluribus Unum (calendar year to date)

Oddly enough, number 3 on the list is one that I wrote nearly a year ago -- and it gets some page-views even now.

  1. Here are a couple of tough issues that you need to consider
    February, 2006

  2. Top Ten Chuck Norris Facts
    December, 2005

  3. Marbury vs. Madison
    April, 2005

  4. Face Recognition Software: I look like Fidel!
    January, 2006

  5. Movie trailer mash-ups
    February, 2006

  6. Mixed bag
    January, 2006

  7. What Terrorists Do (and how Karl Rove & Chris Matthews are helping)
    January, 2006

  8. Krewe du Vieux says 'C'est Levee'
    February, 2006

  9. The "Pragmatist" of Hamas
    February, 2006

  10. I favor the separation of Church and War
    February, 2006


As for last year, the #1 post was viewed more times than the other 9 on the list combined.

Here it is:

Harriet Miers: Will The Cheney Gambit put her on the Supreme Court?

That was the one where I predicted Harriet Miers' nomination 5 days before it actually happened.

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