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Happy New Year? Internet collapses, bloggers become street-people

From Cory Doctorow at Boing Boing:

Awesome sf author/satirist Paul Di Filippo has published a short story in the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction in his "Plumage from Pegasus" column in which the collapse of the Internet ("chaos of viruses, worms, spam, terrorism and busts by the FBI anti-porn squad") turns bloggers (including me) into crazed San Francisco street-people who shove bits of paper into the faces of passers-by, hoping to interest them with novel tidbits...
This makes me think of something Miss Julie pointed out, early in our relationship -- that one phrase I used a lot in conversation was, "Listen to me!"

We concluded it came from my having been born third in a family of four children.

P.S. In the movie Parenthood, Mary Steenbergen comments on how parents get more lax with each new child until "By the third kid, you know, you let them juggle knives." Heh.

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