John Edwards and southern men (in general)
Caught John Edwards on the Imus Show this morning (and I'm paraphrasing):
IMUS: I'm sure your staff told you that our show is not exactly "Meet The Press," nor is it Comedy Central. We're somewhere in between.EDWARDS: Yes.
IMUS: I've listened to your speeches and I agree with what you say about Two Americas. I agree with what you say about how President Bush mislead the American people about WMD before the war. I think you are intelligent and well-spoken. I like the way you have elevated the tone of the campaign with your positive message. But I have a question for you.
What is that on your lip?
EDWARDS: (giddy laughter) Lots of people have asked me that. My daughter wants me to have it removed. It's been there for a long time.
Overall, I found Edwards to be loose and engaging and a good sport. He seemed to give as good as he got; he knew enough about Imus to tweak the old man about his 5 year old son Wyatt watching the evening news (instead of "Scooby Do," like Edwards' daughter).
Later, when I was recounting this exchange to Miss Julie from Baton Rouge, she opined that that thing on his lip gives him a coquette-ish Marilyn Monroe/Madonna kind of vibe. I agreed that Edwards is handsome but I described it as Rob Lowe handsome, or Brad Pitt handsome, for God's sake!
"Sweepea," she says in that way that makes me love her, "whatever it is, men from the South are just more handsome than men from the North."
That said, she is going to marry me and not Ashley Wilkes.
I'm just saying.